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Interactive graph visualisation


Similar to this question, I'm looking for a way to create a GUI where users are able to see a graph (in the graph theory sense) and interact with it. Vehicles will move across the graph from none to node over time. Users should be able to add nodes and edges and add Vehicles and set their destination.

I have already implemented the underlying graph model and business logic, I just need a GUI for it. This means that I do not need graph algorithm functionality such as Djistra's algorithm.

If possible, the solution should be platform independent. The underlying model is written in python, so the GUI solution either needs to be python based (which would be preferable), or should easily interface with python (potentially IPC).

Performance is a concern. It doesn't need to be blindingly fast, but it must be fast enough to keep up with the underlying model. Notionally, there is no limit on the number of nodes, edges and vehicles which may be present in the graph.

Possible approaches

I have looked at various visualisation libraries:

  • NodeBox
  • NetworkX
  • matplotlib
  • GraphViz

I have contemplated using OpenGL.

I have thought about drawing straight to wxPython.


I haven't used any of the graph libraries. I don't know if they are capable of providing the required functionality. For example, matplotlib appears to have a lot of non graph-theory graphs in the gallery. I can't find an example of someone implementing a graph with it aside from through NetworkX. For another example, can NetworkX plot objects travelling along edges?

An OpenGL solution would almost certainly take more time to implement. I would have to code functions for moving objects across edges myself. I would have to code a function for drawing the edges in the right place, and drawing labels for all of the edges and nodes and vehicles etc. I would need to implement menus and handle interactions from scratch.

I'm not sure how I would go about implementing this in wxPython. I only know how to use it in conjunction with standard widgets. Update: I found this question which has an answer which points to wx.lib.ogl or wx.lib.floatcanvas as a mechanism for implementing a solution in pure wxPython.


Do any of the visualisation libraries meet my requirements? Of those that do, which are most suited? Are there other libraries I have missed which would meet my requirements? Something like JGraph but for Python instead of Java would be suitable.

What is your opinion on implementing this in OpenGL or wxPython as opposed to one of these libraries?

Are there other approaches I haven't considered that you think would be appropriate?

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Spycho Avatar asked Sep 14 '11 12:09


People also ask

What is interactive data visualization?

Interactive data visualization is the use of tools and processes to produce a visual representation of data which can be explored and analyzed directly within the visualization itself. This interaction can help uncover insights which lead to better, data-driven decisions.

What are interactive graphs?

An interactive charts allows the user to perform actions: zooming, hovering a marker to get a tooltip, choosing a variable to display and more. R offers a set of packages called the html widgets : they allow to build interactive dataviz directly from R . Scatter and bubble plots: use plotly .

What is used for interactive visualization?

Interactive visualizations are produced using data visualization tools which allow for direct modification of elements on a graphical plot. The idea is to create charts and graphs which the end-user will be able to personally explore and adjust and not just read passively.

1 Answers

You might consider the JavaScript library d3. It has some fantastic interactive graph visualisations, and being written in JavaScript it's great for Web UI

I'm uncertain of the live graph building capabilities, but presume simple node and edge addition/removal would be trivial to implement on top of your chosen visualisation type.

Of course, you'd require something like pyjs to interface d3 with your python code, so it might not be suitable.

Regarding nmichaels' answer: having used GraphViz extensively, I wouldn't recommend it for your purpose. It generates beautiful static diagrams but is strictly non-interactive.

like image 191
KomodoDave Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09
