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What is the use of passing const references to primitive types?

In a project I maintain, I see a lot of code like this for simple get/set methods

const int & MyClass::getFoo() { return m_foo; }

void MyClass::setFoo(const int & foo) { m_foo = foo; }

What is the point in doing that instead of the following?

int MyClass::getFoo() { return m_foo; }  // Removed 'const' and '&' 

void MyClass::setFoo(const int foo) { m_foo = foo; }  // Removed '&'

Passing a reference to a primitive type should require the same (or more) effort as passing the type's value itself, right?
It's just a number after all...
Is this just some attempted micro-optimization or is there a true benefit?

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foraidt Avatar asked Mar 23 '09 09:03


2 Answers

The difference is that if you get that result into a reference yourself you can track the changes of the integer member variable in your own variable name without recalling the function.

const &int x = myObject.getFoo();
cout<<x<<endl;//x might have changed

It's probably not the best design choice, and it's very dangerous to return a reference (const or not), in case a variable that gets freed from scope is returned. So if you return a reference, be careful to be sure it is not a variable that goes out of scope.

There is a slight difference for the modifier too, but again probably not something that is worth doing or that was intended.

void test1(int x)
  cout<<x<<endl;//prints 1

void test2(const int &x)
  cout<<x<<endl;//prints 1 or something else possibly, another thread could have changed x

int main(int argc, char**argv)
  int x = 1;
  return 0;

So the end result is that you obtain changes even after the parameters are passed.

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Brian R. Bondy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Brian R. Bondy

To me, passing a const reference for primitives is a mistake. Either you need to modify the value, and in that case you pass a non-const reference, or you just need to access the value and in that case you pass a const.

Const references should only be used for complex classes, when copying objects could be a performance problem. In the case of primitives, unless you need to modify the value of the variable you shouldn't pass a reference. The reason is that references take more computation time than non-references, since with references, the program needs to look up in a table to find the address of the object. When this look-up time is shorter than the copying time, references are an improvement.

Generally, ints and addresses have the same byte length in low-level implementations. So the time of copying an int as a return value for a function is equivalent to the time of copying an address. But in the case where an int is returned, no look up is performed, therefore performance is increased.

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Manu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
