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Turn while loop into math equation?

I have two simple while loops in my program that I feel ought to be math equations, but I'm struggling to convert them:

float a = someValue;
int b = someOtherValue;
int c = 0;

while (a <= -b / 2) {
    a += b;
while (a >= b / 2) {
    a -= b;

This code works as-is, but I feel it could be simplified into math equations. The idea here being that this code is taking an offset (someValue) and adjusting a coordinate (c) to minimize the distance from the center of a tile (of size someOtherValue). Any help would be appreciated.

like image 861
Sydius Avatar asked Dec 25 '08 00:12


1 Answers

It can be proved that the following is correct:

c = floor((a+b/2)/b)
a = a - c*b

Note that floor means round down, towards negative infinity: not towards 0. (E.g. floor(-3.1)=-4. The floor() library functions will do this; just be sure not to just cast to int, which will usually round towards 0 instead.)

Presumably b is strictly positive, because otherwise neither loop will never terminate: adding b will not make a larger and subtracting b will not make a smaller. With that assumption, we can prove that the above code works. (And paranoidgeek's code is also almost correct, except that it uses a cast to int instead of floor.)

Clever way of proving it: The code adds or subtracts multiples of b from a until a is in [-b/2,b/2), which you can view as adding or subtracting integers from a/b until a/b is in [-1/2,1/2), i.e. until (a/b+1/2) (call it x) is in [0,1). As you are only changing it by integers, the value of x does not change mod 1, i.e. it goes to its remainder mod 1, which is x-floor(x). So the effective number of subtractions you make (which is c) is floor(x).

Tedious way of proving it:

At the end of the first loop, the value of c is the negative of the number of times the loop runs, i.e.:

  • 0 if: a > -b/2 <=> a+b/2 > 0
  • -1 if: -b/2 ≥ a > -3b/2 <=> 0 ≥ a+b/2 > -b <=> 0 ≥ x > -1
  • -2 if: -3b/2 ≥ a > -5b/2 <=> -b ≥ a+b/2 > -2b <=> -1 ≥ x > -2 etc.,

where x = (a+b/2)/b, so c is: 0 if x>0 and "ceiling(x)-1" otherwise. If the first loop ran at all, then it was ≤ -b/2 just before the last time the loop was executed, so it is ≤ -b/2+b now, i.e. ≤ b/2. According as whether it is exactly b/2 or not (i.e., whether x when you started was exactly a non-positive integer or not), the second loop runs exactly 1 time or 0, and c is either ceiling(x) or ceiling(x)-1. So that solves it for the case when the first loop did run.

If the first loop didn't run, then the value of c at the end of the second loop is:

  • 0 if: a < b/2 <=> a-b/2 < 0
  • 1 if: b/2 ≤ a < 3b/2 <=> 0 ≤ a-b/2 < b <=> 0 ≤ y < 1
  • 2 if: 3b/2 ≤ a < 5b/2 <=> b ≤ a-b/2 < 2b <=> 1 ≤ y < 2, etc.,

where y = (a-b/2)/b, so c is: 0 if y<0 and 1+floor(y) otherwise. [And a now is certainly < b/2 and ≥ -b/2.]

So you can write an expression for c as:

x = (a+b/2)/b
y = (a-b/2)/b
c = (x≤0)*(ceiling(x) - 1 + (x is integer))
   +(y≥0)*(1 + floor(y))                

Of course, next you notice that (ceiling(x)-1+(x is integer)) is same as floor(x+1)-1 which is floor(x), and that y is actually x-1, so (1+floor(y))=floor(x), and as for the conditionals:
when x≤0, it cannot be that (y≥0), so c is just the first term which is floor(x),
when 0 < x < 1, neither of the conditions holds, so c is 0,
when 1 ≤ x, then only 0≤y, so c is just the second term which is floor(x) again. So c = floor(x) in all cases.

like image 90
ShreevatsaR Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10
