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What is the synchronization defect in this Haskell chat code, and what is the fix?

Simon Marlow gave a High performance concurrency talk at Haskell eXchange 2012. Due to time constraints, he skipped the section on a simple concurrent chat server. Curious about the elided content, a web search found similar slides on server applications and an implementation on GitHub.

Slide 33 reads

Back to talk…

talk :: Server -> Handle -> IO ()
talk server@Server{..} handle = do
    hSetNewlineMode handle universalNewlineMode
    hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
    readName = do
      hPutStrLn handle "What is your name?"
      name <- hGetLine handle
      m <- checkAddClient server name handle
      case m of
         Nothing -> do
           hPrintf handle "The name %s is in use" name
         Just client -> do
           runClient server client
              `finally` removeClient server name

Strictly speaking we should plug the hole between checkAddClient and finally (see the notes…)

Earlier, slide 3 mentions “Chapter 14 in the notes,” which I assume refers to his upcoming book. What is the synchronization crack between checkAddClient and finally, and how do we plug it?

The aforementioned implementation uses mask from Control.Exception. If this is the fix, what is a scenario in which an ill-timed exception spoils the party?

readName = do
  hPutStrLn handle "What is your name?"
  name <- hGetLine handle
  if null name
     then readName
     else mask $ \restore -> do
            ok <- checkAddClient server name handle
            case ok of
              Nothing -> restore $ do
                 hPrintf handle
                    "The name %s is in use, please choose another\n" name
              Just client ->
                 restore (runClient server client)
                   `finally` removeClient server name
like image 239
Greg Bacon Avatar asked Jan 26 '13 21:01

Greg Bacon

1 Answers

You want to make sure that every successful checkAddClient is paired with a removeClient. The finally statement at the bottom only guarantees that removeClient is run if the runClient action begins.

However, there is a brief window in between the end of checkAddClient and the beginning of runClient where that code could receive an asynchronous exception. If it did, finally would not get a chance to register the removeClient command. This is the synchronization crack that Simon is referring to.

The solution is to mask asynchronous exceptions by default and only allow them to show up in certain places (i.e. the actions wrapped by restore). This seals up the aforementioned crack.

like image 194
Gabriella Gonzalez Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09

Gabriella Gonzalez