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What is the standard way to handle twitter API keys in GPL'd desktop applications?

While developing an desktop application that needs to access twitter API , one must somehow pass the API key (application specific consumer key and consumer secret ) for the application to the user. Twitter's API TOS states that the application's API key cannot be publicly available and if that happens, they reset it. When that application is under GPL , meaning the developer needs to provide the source code to the user, how that user would be able to obtain the API key without it being publicly available ? Is there a standard way to handle this issue ? Thanks.

Edit: To clarify the situation, I was storing them in plain text in my code for cree.py so far as a conscious decision. But yesterday Twitter support team contacted me that they have reseted my key and their reasoning was the following :

C. You should not solicit another developer's consumer keys or consumer secrets especially if they will be stored or used for actions outside of that developer's control. Keys and secrets that are compromised will be reset by Twitter. For example, online services that ask for these values in order to provide a "tweet-branding" service are not allowed. https://dev.twitter.com/terms/api-terms If an application's keys are posted publicly, it allows for external parties to hijack the application's API access. This presents an enormous abuse risk, and as such we've reset your API keys. Please take care to ensure that these keys are not posted publicly again.

Thanks, Twitter API Policy

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Yiannis Kakavas Avatar asked Oct 07 '11 01:10

Yiannis Kakavas

People also ask

What is a Twitter API key?

API Key and Secret: Essentially the username and password for your App. You will use these to authenticate requests that require OAuth 1.0a User Context, or to generate other tokens such as user Access Tokens or App Access Token.

Is Twitter API key the consumer key?

On the Twitter platform, the term "API key" usually refers to what's called an OAuth consumer key. This string identifies your application when making requests to the API.

How do I get access token and key of Twitter API?

Login to your Twitter account on developer.twitter.com. Navigate to the Twitter app dashboard and open the Twitter app for which you would like to generate access tokens. Navigate to the "Keys and Tokens" page. Select 'Create' under the "Access token & access token secret" section.

2 Answers

I might be dense here, but why don't you store them in a configuration file, the Windows registry etc and get them from there? Then distribute the application without the file, and you're done.

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reiniero Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 13:01


Well, TTYtter evidently uses the honour system:

# yes, this is plaintext. obfuscation would be ludicrously easy to crack,
# and there is no way to hide them effectively or fully in a Perl script.
# so be a good neighbour and leave this the fark alone, okay? stealing
# credentials is mean and inconvenient to users. this is blessed by
# arrangement with Twitter. don't be a d*ck. thanks for your cooperation.
$oauthkey = (!length($oauthkey) || $oauthkey eq 'X') ?
        "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" : $oauthkey;
$oauthsecret = (!length($oauthsecret) || $oauthsecret eq 'X') ?

(I have replaced the actual keys with Xs, to make it a little less likely that anyone will go to the trouble to abuse them, but rest assured that they are present in full in the actual source!)

Also, I don't see anything in the Rules of the Road actually requiring you to keep these things secret: the closest thing I see is the statement "Keys and secrets that are compromised will be reset by Twitter."; they never actually say what "compromised" means, though.

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SamB Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 14:01
