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What is the single best free Eclipse plugin for a Java developer [closed]

People also ask

Which plugin is needed for Java development in Eclipse?

The m2e plugin or Maven Integration for Eclipse plugin is another popular Eclipse plugin you need for Java development. It provides comprehensive Maven integration for Eclipse.

Are Eclipse plugins free?

Steps 2 Eclipse Plug-inDownload for Free. Available in English and French. Learn how to write Eclipse plug-ins from a real project.

What is Eclipse plugin?

Plugin , which is an abstract class that provides generic facilities for managing plug-ins. An Eclipse installation includes a plugins folder where individual plug-ins are deployed. Each plug-in is installed in its own folder under the plugins folder. A plug-in is described in an XML manifest file, called plugin.

Which Eclipse version is best for Java Spring boot?

You should definitely use SpringSource Tool Suite, an Eclipse-based IDE created by SpringSource themselves. Also on the official SpringSource channel @YouTube you'll find a pretty extensive 5-part introduction to using Spring & STS.

Findbugs saved me doing something silly twice today.


Eclipse update site is: http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse/

Answering my own question with my current favourite, Jadclipse, which works with jad to disassemble class files from third party libraries.


If you need to get more insight in your code coverage EclEmma is pretty straightforward and useful


Subclipse SVN for eclipse Update URL: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x

MouseFeed Eclipse Plugin

I am using this one, which is very helpful for programmers who don't use key shortcut because they don't know about them.

MouseFeed helps to form a habit of using keyboard shortcuts. When the user clicks on a button or on a menu item, the plugin shows a popup reminding about the key shortcut.

Checkstyle. Its very quick.

FindBugs is wonderful but quite slow

My answer to this is clearly eclim. It exports Eclipse functionality to Vim, enabling me to use several awesome features of Eclipse, like auto-completion, autobuild and error-markup in the source file (using locations in Vim), auto-formatting, automatic imports, JavaDoc search, Source code Search... blah, I could go on forever. The most important thing is: I don't have to use the suck that is the Eclipse Java Editor (to me, editor quality is always subjective, of course).

Check out the site if you're into Vim, but forced/tempted to use Eclipse for one reason or another.