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Casting objects in Java

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What is casting objects in Java?

Type Casting is a feature in Java using which the form or type of a variable or object is cast into some other kind or Object, and the process of conversion from one type to another is called Type Casting.

What is casting in Java with example?

Example: Converting double into an int int data = (int)num; Here, the int keyword inside the parenthesis indicates that that the num variable is converted into the int type. In the case of Narrowing Type Casting, the higher data types (having larger size) are converted into lower data types (having smaller size).

How do you cast one object to another?

Downcasting is necessary to gain access to members specific to subclass. Downcasting is done using cast operator. To downcast an object safely, we need instanceof operator. If the real object doesn't match the type we downcast to, then ClassCastException will be thrown at runtime.

Can we typecast object in Java?

Typecasting is the assessment of the value of one primitive data type to another type. In java, there are two types of casting namely upcasting and downcasting as follows: Upcasting is casting a subtype to a super type in an upward direction to the inheritance tree.

Have a look at this sample:

public class A {

public class B extends A {
  public void foo() { }

A a=new B();

//To execute **foo()** method.


Say you have a superclass Fruit and the subclass Banana and you have a method addBananaToBasket()

The method will not accept grapes for example so you want to make sure that you're adding a banana to the basket.


Fruit myFruit = new Banana();
((Banana)myFruit).addBananaToBasket(); ⇐ This is called casting

The example you are referring to is called Upcasting in java.

It creates a subclass object with a super class variable pointing to it.

The variable does not change, it is still the variable of the super class but it is pointing to the object of subclass.

For example lets say you have two classes Machine and Camera ; Camera is a subclass of Machine

class Machine{

    public void start(){

        System.out.println("Machine Started");

class Camera extends Machine{
     public void start(){

            System.out.println("Camera Started");
     public void snap(){
         System.out.println("Photo taken");
Machine machine1 = new Camera();

If you execute the above statements it will create an instance of Camera class with a reference of Machine class pointing to it.So, now the output will be "Camera Started" The variable is still a reference of Machine class. If you attempt machine1.snap(); the code will not compile

The takeaway here is all Cameras are Machines since Camera is a subclass of Machine but all Machines are not Cameras. So you can create an object of subclass and point it to a super class refrence but you cannot ask the super class reference to do all the functions of a subclass object( In our example machine1.snap() wont compile). The superclass reference has access to only the functions known to the superclass (In our example machine1.start()). You can not ask a machine reference to take a snap. :)

Superclass variable = new subclass object();
This just creates an object of type subclass, but assigns it to the type superclass. All the subclasses' data is created etc, but the variable cannot access the subclasses data/functions. In other words, you cannot call any methods or access data specific to the subclass, you can only access the superclasses stuff.

However, you can cast Superclassvariable to the Subclass and use its methods/data.

Sometimes you will like to receive as argument a Parent reference and inside you probably want to do something specific of a child.

abstract class Animal{
 public abstract void move();
class Shark extends Animal{
 public void move(){
 public void swim(){}
 public void bite(){}
class Dog extends Animal{
 public void move(){
 public void run(){}
 public void bark(){}


void somethingSpecific(Animal animal){
 // Here you don't know and may don't care which animal enters
 animal.move(); // You can call parent methods but you can't call bark or bite.
 if(animal instanceof Shark){
  Shark shark = (Shark)animal;
  shark.bite(); // Now you can call bite!
 //doSomethingSharky(animal); // You cannot call this method.


In above's method you can pass either Shark or Dog, but what if you have something like this:

void doSomethingSharky(Shark shark){
 //Here you cannot receive an Animal reference

That method can only be called by passing shark references So if you have an Animal (and it is deeply a Shark) you can call it like this:

Animal animal...
doSomethingSharky((Shark) animal)

Bottom line, you can use Parent references and it is usually better when you don't care about the implementation of the parent and use casting to use the Child as an specific object, it will be exactly the same object, but your reference know it, if you don't cast it, your reference will point to the same object but cannot be sure what kind of Animal would it be, therefore will only allow you to call known methods.

Lets say you have Class A as superclass and Class B subclass of A.

public class A {

    public void printFromA(){
        System.out.println("Inside A");
public class B extends A {

    public void printFromB(){
        System.out.println("Inside B");


public class MainClass {

    public static void main(String []args){

        A a = new B();
        a.printFromA(); //this can be called without typecasting

        ((B)a).printFromB(); //the method printFromB needs to be typecast 