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what is the shortcut key to close the script output window in SQL developer(v4.1)

we can use ALT + Page up/Down to navigate between worksheet and script output windows but I'm unable to find any shortcut key to close it.

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Wolfgang Avatar asked Oct 27 '15 10:10


2 Answers

As some workaround: you can switch from current tab and come back to it with Ctrl + Tab and focus will be in the editor.

like image 116
Ilia Maskov Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Ilia Maskov

The first and main thing to learn is the magic-keyboard-sequence to take focus off the editor or grid and onto the splitter itself

Shift + ALT + F8


HOME to go full-screen output

END to go full-screen editor

UP/DOWN arrows to move the splitter

Click on the screen or hit ESC to get out of ‘move splitter mode.

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thatjeffsmith Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
