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Why does the same query takes different amount of time to run? [closed]



I have this problem that has been going on for months. I automate reports at my job, we use oracle. I write a procedure, time it, it runs in a few minutes. I then set it up for monthly runs.

And then every month, some report runs for hours. It's all the same queries that ran in a few minutes for months before and all of a sudden they're taking hours to run.

I end up rewriting my procedures every now and then and to me this defeats the purpose of automating. No one here can help me.

What am I doing wrong? How can I ensure that my queries will always take the same amount of time to run.

I did some research and it says that in a correctly setup database with correct statistics you don't even have to use hints, everything should consistently run in about the same time.

Is this true? Or does everyone have this problem and everyone just rewrites their procedures whenever they run?

Sorry for 100 questions, I'm really frustrated about this.

My main question is, why does the same query takes different amount of time (drastic difference, from minutes to hours) to run on different days?

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lalachka Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 19:06


People also ask

What are some potential reasons that the query is slow?

Queries can become slow for various reasons ranging from improper index usage to bugs in the storage engine itself. However, in most cases, queries become slow because developers or MySQL database administrators neglect to monitor them and keep an eye on their performance.

Why does a query run faster the second time?

What you are experiencing is called caching. The database doesn't have to go to disk the 2nd time because it can either get the data from its own buffer cache, or the operating system/disk array can also provide the data faster from its own cache.

What causes long running queries?

Queries or updates that take longer than expected to execute can be caused by a variety of reasons. Slow-running queries can be caused by performance problems related to your network or the computer where SQL Server is running. Slow-running queries can also be caused by problems with your physical database design.

Why is my query suddenly slower than it was yesterday?

Your application itself changed, and it's not able to digest the results as quickly. Someone patched, and it had an unexpected side effect. You have the same plan, but different memory grants. Someone's modifying more rows at a time, so you're hitting lock escalation.

1 Answers

There are three broad reasons that queries take longer at different times. Either you are getting different performance because the system is under a different sort of load, you are getting different performance because of data volume changes, or you are getting different performance because you are getting different query plans.

Different Data Volume

When you generate your initial timings, are you using data volumes that are similar to the volumes that your query will encounter when it is actually run? If you test a query on the first of the month and that query is getting all the data for the current month and performing a bunch of aggregations, you would expect that the query would get slower and slower over the course of the month because it had to process more and more data. Or you may have a query that runs quickly outside of month-end processing because various staging tables that it depends on only get populated at month end. If you are generating your initial timings in a test database, you'l very likely get different performance because test databases frequently have a small subset of the actual production data.

Different System Load

If I take a query and run it during the middle of the day against my data warehouse, there is a good chance that the data warehouse is mostly idle and therefore has lots of resources to give me to process the query. If I'm the only user, my query may run very quickly. If I try to run exactly the same query during the middle of the nightly load process, on the other hand, my query will be competing for resources with a number of other processes. Even if my query has to do exactly the same amount of work, it can easily take many times more clock time to run. If you are writing reports that will run at month end and they're all getting kicked off at roughly the same time, it's entirely possible that they're all competing with each other for the limited system resources available and that your system simply isn't sized for the load it needs to process.

Different system load can also encompass things like differences in what data is cached at any point in time. If I'm testing a particular query in prod and I run it a few times in a row, it is very likely that most of the data I'm interested in will be cached by Oracle, by the operating system, by the SAN, etc. That can make a dramatic difference in performance if every read is coming from one of the caches rather than requiring a disk read. If you run the same query later after other work has flushed out most of the blocks your query is interested in, you may end up doing a ton of physical reads rather than being able to use the nicely warmed up cache. There's not generally much you can do about this sort of thing-- you may be able to cache more data or arrange for processes that need similar data to be run at similar times so that the cache is more efficient ut that is generally expensive and hard to do.

Different Query Plans

Over time, your query plan may also change because statistics have changed (or not changed depending on the statistic in question). Normally, that indicates that Oracle has found a more efficient plan or that your data volumes have changed and Oracle expects a different plan would be more efficient with the new data volume. If, however, you are giving Oracle bad statistics (if, for example, you have tables that get much larger during month-end processing but you gather statistics when the tables are almost empty), you may induce Oracle to choose a very bad query plan. Depending on the version of Oracle, there are various ways to force Oracle to use the same query plan. If you can drill down and figure out what the problem with statistics is, Oracle probably provides a way to give the optimizer better statistics.

If you take a look at AWR/ ASH data (if you have the appropriate licenses) or Statspace data (if your DBA has installed that), you should be able to figure out which camp your problems originate in. Are you getting different query plans for different executions (you may need to capture a query plan from your initial benchmarks and compare it to the current plan or you may need to increase your AWR retention to retain query plans for a few months in order to see this). Are you doing the same number of buffer gets over time but getting vastly different amounts of I/O waits? Do you see a lot of contention for resources from other sessions?If so, that probably indicates that the issue is different load at different times.

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Justin Cave Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 15:10

Justin Cave