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What is the "seed" in Weka's SimpleKMeans clusterer?

I'm using Weka's SimpleKMeans clusterer on a set of data.

But I'm unsure what the seed value is, what it does or how it affects the data.

i.e. How does a higher or lower seed value affect the result as oppose to the default value of 10?

like image 591
Wolff Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 01:03


1 Answers

Seed is just a random numbers seed. Once seed is fixed, even a randomized algorithm behaves deterministically. KMeans is not deterministic, so if you want repeatable results - you fix a seed. However there is completely no relation between exact value of the seed and the results of KMeans clustering.

like image 194
lejlot Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 08:03
