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How to apply word2vec on images?

I have been studying word2vec model by Google. I was able to generate vectors for text word corpus for maximum 300 dimensions. It is a very impressive tool and accuracy goes much further, on big data.

I am curious, is there any way to use word2vec to generate vectors on grayscale images. I am sure the approach is same, you generate vectors based on pixel intensity and then compute a cosine similarity.

I am trying to do build a model to compute similarity distance on grayscale images. Any library is capable of doing this besides word2vec or glove that works on text?

like image 284
pbu Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 16:03


1 Answers

I agree with you that word2vec is very impressive tool, but this model is trained by predicting the next word in some article or news. All in all, I think that using word2vec on image does not make sense.

You can use skimage to do some image measure. e.g skimage-measure

like image 200
Chung-Yen Hung Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 07:03

Chung-Yen Hung