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What is the purpose of helm delete --purge

Using helm is super cool, but what is the purpose of using helm delete --purge

I can see the doc says:remove the release from the store and make its name free for later use

So what is the purpose of saving the name and not releasing it with helm delete?

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Chris G. Avatar asked Jul 30 '18 12:07

Chris G.

People also ask

What does helm purge do?

When you do helm delete $RELEASE_NAME it deletes all resources but keeps the record with $RELEASE_NAME in case you want to rollback. You can see removed releases via helm ls -a . Whereas helm delete --purge $RELEASE_NAME removes records and make that name free to be reused for another installation.

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'helm uninstall': Uninstalling a ReleaseIn Helm 3, deletion removes the release record as well. If you wish to keep a deletion release record, use helm uninstall --keep-history . Using helm list --uninstalled will only show releases that were uninstalled with the --keep-history flag.

How do you delete a helm deployment?

If you need to uninstall the deployed release, run the delete command on the Helm command line. The command removes all the Kubernetes components that are associated with the chart and deletes the release.

1 Answers

When you do helm delete $RELEASE_NAME it deletes all resources but keeps the record with $RELEASE_NAME in case you want to rollback. You can see removed releases via helm ls -a. Whereas helm delete --purge $RELEASE_NAME removes records and make that name free to be reused for another installation.

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Jainish Shah Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09

Jainish Shah