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Helm: Passing array values through --set

i have a cronjob helm chat, i can define many jobs in values.yaml and cronjob.yaml will provision my jobs. I have faced an issue when setting the image tag id in command line, following command throw no errors but it wont update jobs image tag to new one.

helm upgrade cronjobs cronjobs/ --wait --set job.myservice.image.tag=b70d744 

cronjobs will run with old image tag how can i resolve this?

here is my cronjobs.yaml

{{- $chart_name := .Chart.Name }} {{- $chart_version := .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }} {{- $release_name := .Release.Name }}  {{- range $job := .Values.jobs }} --- apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata:   namespace: "{{ $job.namespace }}"   name: "{{ $release_name }}-{{ $job.name }}"   labels:     chart: "{{ $chart_name }}-{{ $chart_version }}" spec:   concurrencyPolicy: {{ $job.concurrencyPolicy }}   failedJobsHistoryLimit: {{ $job.failedJobsHistoryLimit }}   suspend: {{ $job.suspend }}   jobTemplate:     spec:       template:         metadata:           labels:             app: {{ $release_name }}             cron: {{ $job.name }}         spec:           containers:           - image: "{{ $job.image.repository }}:{{ $job.image.tag }}"             imagePullPolicy: {{ $job.image.imagePullPolicy }}             ports:               - name: http                 containerPort: 80                 protocol: TCP             name: {{ $job.name }}             args: {{ toYaml $job.args | indent 12 }}             env: {{ toYaml $job.image.env | indent 12 }}             volumeMounts:             - name: nfs               mountPath: "{{ $job.image.nfslogpath }}"           restartPolicy: OnFailure           imagePullSecrets:             - name: {{ $job.image.secret }}           volumes:             - name: nfs               nfs:                 server: "{{ $job.image.server }}"                 path: "{{ $job.image.nfspath }}"                 readOnly: false   schedule: {{ $job.schedule | quote }}   successfulJobsHistoryLimit: {{ $job.successfulJobsHistoryLimit }}   {{- end }} 

here is my values.yaml

jobs:   - name: myservice     namespace: default     image:       repository: xxx.com/myservice       tag: fe4544       pullPolicy: Always       secret: xxx       nfslogpath: "/var/logs/"       nfsserver: "xxx"       nfspath: "/nfs/xxx/cronjobs/"       nfsreadonly: false       env:     schedule: "*/5 * * * *"     args:     failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1     successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3     concurrencyPolicy: Forbid     suspend: false    - name: myservice2     namespace: default     image:       repository: xxxx/myservice2       tag: 1dff39a       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent       secret: xxxx       nfslogpath: "/var/logs/"       nfsserver: "xxxx"       nfspath: "/nfs/xxx/cronjobs/"       nfsreadonly: false       env:     schedule: "*/30 * * * *"     args:     failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1     successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 2     concurrencyPolicy: Forbid     suspend: false 
like image 924
Jack Avatar asked Dec 19 '18 07:12


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1 Answers

If you need to pass array values you can use curly braces (unix shell require quotes):

--set test={x,y,z} --set "test={x,y,z}" 

Result YAML:

test:   - x   - y   - z 

Source: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#the-format-and-limitations-of---set

EDITED : added double-quotes for unix shell like bash

like image 74
Thiago Falcao Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09

Thiago Falcao