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Helm rollback to previous release

I am looking for a way to rollback a helm release to its previous release without specifying the target release version as a number.

Something like helm rollback <RELEASE> ~1 (like git reset HEAD~1) would be nice.

like image 351
onkeliroh Avatar asked Aug 17 '18 11:08


2 Answers

As it turns out, there is an undocumented option to rollback to the last successful release by defining the target release version as 0. like: helm rollback <RELEASE> 0

Source: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/1796

like image 62
onkeliroh Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10


Unlike the previous old answers above.

According to the latest documentation, you can rollback to the previous version by simply omitting the argument in helm rollback. Which means your command should like below to rollback to the previous version.

helm rollback <RELEASE_NAME>

like image 20
Suhas Chikkanna Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10

Suhas Chikkanna