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What is a Kubernetes Manifest?



I've searched online and most links seem to mention manifests without actually explaining what they are. What are Manifests?

like image 815
LM10 Avatar asked Mar 12 '19 21:03


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A deployment manifest is an XML file that describes a ClickOnce deployment, including the identification of the current ClickOnce application version to deploy. Deployment manifests have the following elements and attributes. Element.

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Answer. Manifest: Syntactic text, usually a file with a variety of details, that is used for the purpose of convergence towards a desired state.

How do I see the manifest file in Kubernetes?

Your answer You can use --dry-run flag to test the manifest. This is really useful not only to ensure if the yaml syntax is right for a particular Kubernetes object but also to ensure that a spec has required key-value pairs.

2 Answers

It's basically a Kubernetes "API object description". A config file can include one or more of these. (i.e. Deployment, ConfigMap, Secret, DaemonSet, etc)

As per this:

Specification of a Kubernetes API object in JSON or YAML format.

A manifest specifies the desired state of an object that Kubernetes will maintain when you apply the manifest. Each configuration file can contain multiple manifests.

And a previous version of the documentation:

Configuration files - Written in YAML or JSON, these files describe the desired state of your application in terms of Kubernetes API objects. A file can include one or more API object descriptions (manifests).

like image 147
Rico Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10


When you are going to deploy to kubernetes , or create a kubernetes resources like a pod , replica-set , configmap , secret , deployment , etc , you need to write a file called manifest that describe that object and its attributes either in yaml or json.

Just like you do in:

  • puppet manifest

  • ansible playbook

  • chef recipe


Ofcourse you can create those objects by using just command line , but the recommended way is to write a file so that you can version control it and use it in a repeatable way.

like image 24
Ijaz Ahmad Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Ijaz Ahmad