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What is the output of "grails stats" for your largest Grails project? [closed]



grails stats gives various code statistics for a given Grails project.

Typical output can look like something along the lines of:

| Name                 | Files |  LOC  |
| Controllers          |     4 |   183 | 
| Domain Classes       |     8 |   264 | 
| Jobs                 |     1 |    10 | 
| Services             |     4 |   297 | 
| Tag Libraries        |     2 |    63 | 
| Unit Tests           |    17 |   204 | 
| Totals               |    36 |  1021 | 

I'm curious about the typical division of code between the various artifacts in Grails projects (such as the ratio LOC(controllers) / LOC(services), etc.).

Please share the grails stats output of your largest Grails project to contribute your statistics to this question.

like image 238
knorv Avatar asked Feb 13 '11 15:02


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Grails removes the need to add configuration in XML files. Instead, the framework uses a set of rules or conventions while inspecting the code of Grails-based applications. For example, a class name that ends with Controller (for example BookController ) is considered a web controller.

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Grails is an extremely popular open source web application framework powered by the Groovy programming language and based on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The software community has given a big thumbs-up to Grails due to its smart features.

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GORM is the data access toolkit used by Grails and provides a rich set of APIs for accessing relational and non-relational data including implementations for Hibernate (SQL), MongoDB, Neo4j, Cassandra, an in-memory ConcurrentHashMap for testing and an automatic GraphQL schema generator.

1 Answers

My current project:

| Name                 | Files |  LOC  |
| Controllers          |    67 |  7665 | 
| Domain Classes       |   101 |  3736 | 
| Jobs                 |     3 |    45 | 
| Services             |    61 |  6158 | 
| Tag Libraries        |    34 |  2357 | 
| Groovy Helpers       |    54 |  3356 | 
| Java Helpers         |     1 |    65 | 
| Unit Tests           |   227 | 24224 | 
| Integration Tests    |    70 | 10908 | 
| Scripts              |     2 |    77 | 
| Totals               |   620 | 58591 | 
like image 115
Ted Naleid Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 22:09

Ted Naleid