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Finding all controllers in application



How do i find all the controllers running in an application ?

I am trying to create a menu using YUI where only registered controllers will have a menu shown. A controller class will create a static list with various properties detailing name, action, etc. (much like grails-nav plugin).

I want to create a taglib that can find all controllers, identify which ones have this static list then look into each list and build up a menu.

I think i can use ControllerGrailsClass.metaClass.hasProperty to identify whether a given controller has the static property - but how do I find all the Controller classes to interrogate ?

Thanks in advance

like image 982
Primus Avatar asked Sep 03 '10 15:09


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1 Answers

You can get a list from the GrailsApplication object. Example:

class TestController {

    def grailsApplication // gets injected automatically

    def test = {
        grailsApplication.controllerClasses.each { controllerArtefact ->
            def controllerClass = controllerArtefact.getClazz()
            println "$controllerArtefact, $controllerClass"

If you're not in a controller, you can get a hold of the grails application object like so:

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder

def grailsApplication = ApplicationHolder.application
like image 173
ataylor Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
