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Grails : Generating PDF from GSP




My GSP page has multiple tables and also some other HTML elements like input text fields and header <h1> <h2> texts.

I want all this info to be captured in the generated text.

So far the examples i have seen is only good for generating one table.

Is there a quick way of generating the PDF from all the data that's already populated in GSP?

I am using the Export plugin.

compile ':export:1.6'

And below is the sample code i tried so far.

It draws one table with headers and no data in the rows.

def myPDFexport () {
        String userNumber = params.UserInfoInstance;

        UserInfo userObj = UserInfo.findByNumber(userNumber);

        params.format = "pdf";
        params.extension = "pdf"
        List fields = ["User ID", "User Name", "User Password"]
        Map labels = [userID: "User ID", userName: "User Name", userPW: "User Password"]

        if(params?.format && params.format != "html"){
            response.contentType = grailsApplication.config.grails.mime.types[params.format]
            response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=${woNumber}.${params.extension}")
            exportService.export(params.format, response.outputStream, userObj.list(params), fields, labels, [:], [:])

I am almost lost on this as i am new to Grails and also have no previous experience with PDF generation.

If possible, please provide me with some sample code.

like image 299
donguy76 Avatar asked Mar 19 '15 23:03


1 Answers

There are a lot of solutions to create PDFs.

As a first and easy approach you should have a look at the Grails rendering plugin.

You could use any view or template to generate a pdf (or image).

After adding the plugin to your project you could add an action like this to your controller:

def createPdfReport = {
    renderPdf(template: '/templates/pdf/yourtemplate', model: yourmodel, filename: "yourTitle")

It will use the specified template to generate a pdf and send it as response to the client.

For further information have a look at the plugin documentation.

like image 79
aiolos Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10
