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What is the most performant way for dynamic styling in React-Native?

In React-Native, you can use Stylesheet to create css-like stylesheets. The main reason of using styleshee.create in favor of plain js-objects is increased performance. However, you often might want to style components dynamically, often based on their props. I basically found three approaches of doing this:

Note for the following examples: Consider const styles ... to be declared outside of the Component, as it's a common pattern and you might want to share styles between different Components. Consider everything below the tree dots as part of the render function.

  1. Using an array of styles:

    const styles = StyleSheet.create({viewStyle: {backgroundColor:'red'}}) ... return <View style={[styles.viewStyle, {color: this.props.color}]} /> 
  2. Using Stylesheet.flatten:

    const styles = StyleSheet.create({viewStyle: {backgroundColor:'red'}}) ... const flattenedStyle = StyleSheet.flatten(styles.viewStyle, {{color: this.props.color}}) return <View style={flattenedStyle} /> 

  3. Using a function to create the stylesheet:

    const styles = (color) => StyleSheet.create({     viewStyle: {         backgroundColor:'red',         color: color         }     }) ... const style = styles(this.props.color).viewStyle return <View style={style} /> 

I am wondering which approach is the best regarding to performance, or if there even is another, more performant way? I think Option 2 and 3 are no way to go at all, because dynamically creating new stylesheets on prop-changes undermines the whole purpose of stylesheets. I am happy for any thought or hints on this subject!

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Christoph Göttert Avatar asked Aug 03 '18 14:08

Christoph Göttert

People also ask

Which is the best way to style React components?

Inline styles are the most direct away to style any React application. Styling elements inline doesn't require you to create a separate stylesheet. Style applied directly to the elements as compared to styles in a stylesheet also have higher precedence.

What styling approach is used in React Native?

With React Native, you style your application using JavaScript. All of the core components accept a prop named style . The style names and values usually match how CSS works on the web, except names are written using camel casing, e.g. backgroundColor rather than background-color .

Does React Native use CSS for styling?

Whether you're looking to build a relatively basic or complex mobile app, styling in React Native is as simple as writing CSS for a web application.

2 Answers

Here you can do dynamic styling in react native for each styling.

Like this

<Text style={styles.simpleText('red')}>Required field</Text>  // In styling const styles = StyleSheet.create({      simpleText: (colorProp = 'black') => ({ // default black set            fontSize: 14,            color: colorProp,      }) }) 

and you can also pass any data type for conditional styling

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Zuhair Naqi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

Zuhair Naqi

One of the approach

// homeSreen <View style={styles.filterButton(isSelected)}>   <Text> Strawberry </Text> </View>  // styles.js import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { Colors } from '../../theme';  export default StyleSheet.create({   container: {     backgroundColor: Colors.lighter,   },    filterButton: isSelected => ({    padding: 15,    backgroundColor: isSelected? Colors.background.primary: Colors.background.secondary   }), });
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Utonium Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
