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What is the meaning of this..."var evt=event||window.event;"



What does the following mean in JavaScript?

var evt=event||window.event;
like image 592
Suraj Air Avatar asked Aug 16 '10 12:08

Suraj Air

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2 Answers

It means that the variable evt is assigned to the value of event or if event is undefined it is assigned the value of window.event.

How this works is that in javascript, boolean operators don't evaluate to true or false but instead evaluates to the value of the last object that is not falsy* or the falsy value.

So the statement first evaluates the expression event || window.event. If event is true then the expression does not need to be evaluated any further since an OR only needs one member to be true. Therefore the value of event is returned. If event is falsy then the the right side of the OR operator needs to be evaluated to determine if the result is false. In which case, if window.event is not falsy then its value is returned.

This is a very common idiom to get the event object from event handlers. On standards compliant browsers, the event object is passed as the first parameter to the event handler. But on IE the event object is a global variable. And for historical reasons, all global variables are members of the window object.

So the code should look something like this:

element.onclick = function (event) {
  var evt = event ||     // use the value of event if available or
            window.event;// if not assume it's IE and use window.event

  /* ... */

Note: * falsy values in javascript are: false, 0, null and undefined.

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slebetman Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09


The code is a hack because Microsoft decided to put their events in the global window.event instead of passing it as a parameter to the event function.

So, this code will attempt to set evt to the event passed in (which will work for the non-Microsoft browsers) and, if that turns out to be null (as it will be for Microsoft browsers), it will then grab it from the global.

From that point on, your function can just use evt disregarding browser differences (well, at least those relating to events).

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paxdiablo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 10:09
