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What is the gradle equivalent of maven repository mirrors?




When working with Maven projects, I like to configure a local mirror (e.g. Artifactory) for various 3rd party repositories. I do this via the settings.xml file in my home directory.

I cannot find a similar setting for Gradle - all documentation seems to suggest adding a new repository, rather than proxying/mirroring calls to repos which are already defined. This does not have the same effect. Is there a simple way to proxy remote Maven or Ivy repositories in Gradle?

like image 397
Armand Avatar asked Sep 23 '14 14:09


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1 Answers

You can define a custom repository such as:

// build.gradle or settings.gradle
repositories {
  maven {
    url "http://repo1.mycompany.com/maven2"
  maven {
    url "http://repo2.mycompany.com/maven2"

If you want to share this definition across projects, move it to an init script

like image 98
Amnon Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10
