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how to escape '&' in maven pom property values [duplicate]





I need to set a URL via a maven property (to be replaced per profile). The problem is that this URL contains some & and maven doesn't like this (if URL contains &_program):

"The reference to entity "_program" must end with the ';' delimiter." error occurs in pom on this line.

So how to escape this character or how to escape a hole line that might contain some "special" characters. (What other characters are forbidden in property-values?)

like image 883
dermoritz Avatar asked Jan 02 '12 14:01


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2 Answers

I've not used maven but from the sounds of it, standard XML escaping would get the job done. In your case you can try using

& instead of &

What characters do I need to escape in XML documents?

like image 98
mikey Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10


You can escape one character or a whole line that might contain some "special" characters by surrounding property value with <![CDATA[ property value ]]>. For example for some URL it would look like:

like image 20
Tomasz Szymulewski Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10

Tomasz Szymulewski