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What is the fastest way to determine if a row exists using Linq to SQL?

I am not interested in the contents of a row, I just want to know if a row exists. The Name column is a primary key, so there will either be 0 or 1 matching rows. Currently, I am using:

if ((from u in dc.Users where u.Name == name select u).Count() > 0)     // row exists else     // row doesn't exist 

While the above works, it does a lot of unnecessary work by selecting all the contents of the row (if it exists). Does the following create a faster query:

if (dc.Users.Where(u => u.Name == name).Any()) 

...or is there an even faster query?

like image 883
Protagonist Avatar asked Mar 15 '09 23:03


People also ask

Is LINQ fast as SQL?

More importantly: when it comes to querying databases, LINQ is in most cases a significantly more productive querying language than SQL. Compared to SQL, LINQ is simpler, tidier, and higher-level.

Why is LINQ faster?

Most of the times, LINQ will be a bit slower because it introduces overhead. Do not use LINQ if you care much about performance. Use LINQ because you want shorter better readable and maintainable code. So your experience is that LINQ is faster and makes code harder to read and to maintain?

Is LINQ fast?

LINQ is absolutely 100% slower You are going to essentially "stall-out" if you are performing any complex queries, joins etc... total p.o.s for those types of functions/methods- just don't use it.

2 Answers

Of Course

if (dc.Users.Where(u => u.Name == name).Any()) 

this is best and if multiple conditions to check then it is very simple to write as

Say you want to check the user for company then

if (dc.Users.Where(u => u.ID== Id && u.Company==company).Any()) 
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Raju Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09


The Count() approach may do extra work, as (in TSQL) EXISTS or TOP 1 are often much quicker; the db can optimise "is there at least one row". Personally, I would use the any/predicate overload:

if (dc.Users.Any(u => u.Name == name)) {...} 

Of course, you can compare what each one does by watching the TSQL:

dc.Log = Console.Out; 
like image 84
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Marc Gravell