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What is the difference in string.Equals("string") and "String".Equals(string)?



Is there any difference in following two lines of code that compares the string values.

string str = "abc";




in the first line I am calling the equals method on string variable to compare it with string literal. The second line is vice versa. Is it just the difference of coding style or there is a difference in the way these two statements are processed by the compiler.

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matrix Avatar asked Jun 29 '10 16:06


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In simple words, == checks if both objects point to the same memory location whereas . equals() evaluates to the comparison of values in the objects. If a class does not override the equals method, then by default, it uses the equals(Object o) method of the closest parent class that has overridden this method.

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The major difference between the == operator and . equals() method is that one is an operator, and the other is the method. Both these == operators and equals() are used to compare objects to mark equality.

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The Equality Operator ( ==) is the comparison operator and the Equals() method in C# is used to compare the content of a string. The Equals() method compares only content.

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Definition and Usage The equals() method compares two strings, and returns true if the strings are equal, and false if not.

2 Answers

The only difference is that, in the first case, when you do:


If str is null, you'll get an exception at runtime. By doing:


If str is null, you'll get false.

like image 190
Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Reed Copsey

The difference is that in the second example, you will never get a NullReferenceException because a literal can't be null.

like image 21
Michael Myers Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10

Michael Myers