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What is the difference between local runtime and hosted runtime in Google Colab?

I I just started using Google Colab for a project of mine. I see an button of "CONNECT" on the web page that presents before me two options:

  1. Connect to Hosted Runtime
  2. Connect to Local Runtime

Can anyone explain what the two mean and how it may affect my project? I did not find any useful documentation related to it.

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Asma Rahim Ali Jafri Avatar asked Dec 22 '18 10:12

Asma Rahim Ali Jafri

People also ask

What is a hosted runtime Google Colab?

Colaboratory lets you connect to a local runtime using Jupyter. This allows you to execute code on your local hardware and have access to your local file system.

What is the runtime of Google Colab?

In the free version, runtimes are limited to 12 hours and RAM is also limited to 16 GB. In the pro variant, it is possible to select a high-memory option and thus use 32 GB of RAM. The Google Pro+ variant now offers even more options to run Deep Learning relatively inexpensively without a cloud server or local machine.

How do I use Google Local Colab?

In Colab, click the “Connect” button and select “Connect to local runtime”. Enter the URL you just copied and click “Connect”: That's it! You now have the Colab research environment running on your local Jupyter server.

How do I change my runtime in Colab?

Choose Runtime > Change Runtime Type and set Hardware Accelerator to None. For examples of how to utilize GPU and TPU runtimes in Colab, see the Tensorflow With GPU and TPUs In Colab example notebooks.

1 Answers

Hosted Runtime runs on a new machine instance in Google Cloud. You don't need to set-up any hardware. But you may need to install a few libraries every time you use it.

Local Runtime runs on your machine at home. You need to install Python, Jupyter, and set-up some forwarding. It is useful if you have a lot of data to process locally, or if you have your own powerful GPU to use.

In most cases, I use Hosted Runtime.

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korakot Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
