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What's the hardware spec for Google Colaboratory? [closed]

People also ask

How much RAM does Google colab have?

Colab is 100% free, and so naturally it has some resource constraints. As you can see in the screenshot below, each instance of Colab comes with 12 GB of RAM (actually 12.7 GB, but 0.8 GB are already taken). That's plenty, especially considering that you don't need to pay for it.

You can see the disk information using a command like !df -h. To see CPU specs, !cat /proc/cpuinfo. For memory, !cat /proc/meminfo.

Here's an example notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/notebook#fileId=1_x67fw9y5aBW72a8aGePFLlkPvKLpnBl

Edit: Colab now offers a Pro version which offers double the amount of disk available in the free version.

Here I run some test.


In short:

  • n1-highmem-2 instance
  • 2vCPU @ 2.2GHz
  • 13GB RAM
  • 100GB Free Space
  • idle cut-off 90 minutes
  • maximum 12 hours

2020 Update:

  • GPU instance downgraded to 64GB disk space.

I ran few tests and found ,

GPU: 1xTesla K80 , compute 3.7, having 2496 CUDA cores , 12GB GDDR5 VRAM

CPU: 1xsingle core hyper threaded Xeon Processors @2.3Ghz i.e(1 core, 2 threads)

RAM: ~12.6 GB Available

Disk: ~33 GB Available

you can see it here https://colab.research.google.com/drive/151805XTDg--dgHb3-AXJCpnWaqRhop_2