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What is the difference between an image and a repository?



I am brand new to Docker and following the Getting Started tutorial. At step 7 it says

type docker images command and press RETURN. The command lists all the images on your local system. You should see docker/whalesay in the list.

$ docker images REPOSITORY           TAG         IMAGE ID            CREATED            VIRTUAL SIZE docker/whalesay      latest      fb434121fc77        3 hours ago        247 MB hello-world          latest      91c95931e552        5 weeks ago        910 B 

but the first column clearly says "repository", not e.g. "image name". I have also noticed on other people's machines that, because an image can have multiple tags, this listing often contains duplicate entries - one for each tag. So is this a list of images, a list of repositories, a list of image-tag combinations or something else? What is the difference between an image and a repository?

Also, given that images and repositories are different things, how can I just list my repositories?

This is nothing to do with containers.

like image 657
qntm Avatar asked Jun 29 '15 11:06


People also ask

What is an image repository?

The image repository is the private repository where the admin will push the ICD images from the admin workstation. After creating the docker images, the admin pushes those images to the private repository.

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A Docker repository is where you can store 1 or more versions of a specific Docker image. An image can have 1 or more versions (tags). A Docker image can be compared to a git repo.

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While a container repository is a collection of related container images used to manage, pull and push images, a container registry is a collection of repositories made to store container images.

What is image in DevOps?

DevOps Building. Block: Images. Image definition: 1) In computer science an image is an exact replica of the contents of a storage device (a hard disk drive or CD-ROM for example) stored on a second storage device.

2 Answers

Yes, this is very confusing terminology.

Simplest answer:

Image: a single image.

Repository: a collection of images.


Image: Uniquely referenced by the Image ID, the 12 digit hex code (e.g. 91c95931e552). [1]

Repository: Contains one or more images. So the hello-world repository could contain two different images: 91c95931e552 and 1234abcd5678.

Image alias - I'm going to define image alias to mean an alias that references a specific image. The format of an image alias is repository:tag. This way, you can use a human-friendly alias such as hello-world:latest instead of the 12-digit code.


Let's say I have these images:

REPOSITORY           TAG         IMAGE ID docker/whalesay      latest      fb434121fc77 hello-world          latest      91c95931e552 hello-world          v1.1        91c95931e552 hello-world          v1.0        1234abcd5678 

The repositories are: docker/whalesay, hello-world.

The images are fb434121fc77, 91c95931e552, 1234abcd5678. Notice that the 2nd and 3rd rows have the same Image ID, so they are the same image.

The image aliases are:

docker/whalesay:latest hello-world:latest hello-world:v1.1 hello-world:v1.0 

So hello-world:latest and hello-world:v1.1 are simply two aliases for the same image.

Additional Details:

  • Repository name format can also prepend an optional user or namespace, which is useful when using a public registry like Docker Hub. E.g. docker/whalesay. Otherwise, you will have a lot of repository name conflicts.

  • If you leave out the tag when referencing an image alias, it will automatically add :latest. So when you specify hello-world, it will be interpreted as hello-world:latest. Warning: latest doesn't actually mean anything special, it's just a default tag.

  • [1] Actually, the full Image ID is a 64 digit hex code truncated to 12 digits, but you don't need to care about that.

like image 97
wisbucky Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09


Quoted from the official Docker documentation:

A repository potentially holds multiple variants of an image.

(see: https://docs.docker.com/userguide/dockerimages)

This means: A Docker image can belong to a repository, e.g. when it was pushed to a Docker registry (with docker push my/reporitory:version1). On the other side, a repository contains multiple versions of an image (= different tags). So when you build an new version of your image, you can give it a tag (docker tag 518a41981a6a my/reporitory:version2) and push it to your repository as the next version (docker push my/reporitory:version2).

Here's an example from the Docker documentation (see the link above). As you can see, it shows one repository called ouruser/sinatra which contains various versions (latest, devel, v2) of the same image:

$ docker images ouruser/sinatra REPOSITORY          TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED        VIRTUAL SIZE ouruser/sinatra     latest  5db5f8471261  11 hours ago   446.7 MB ouruser/sinatra     devel   5db5f8471261  11 hours ago   446.7 MB ouruser/sinatra     v2      5db5f8471261  11 hours ago   446.7 MB 

In your example, you have two repositories (docker/whalesay and hello-world) which only contains one tagged image (called latest, which just means there is not tag actually and the latest images is shown).

like image 22
Thomas Uhrig Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Thomas Uhrig