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Docker compose won't find $PWD environment variable

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Can Docker Compose use PWD?

You don't need ${PWD} for this, you can just make the path relative and compose will expand it (one major difference between compose paths and those processed by docker run ). As for why compose doesn't see this variable, that depends on your shell. Compose looks for an exported environment variable, contents of the .

What is $PWD in docker?

PWD is an environment variable that your shell will expand to your current working directory. So in this example, it would mount the current working directory, from where you are executing this command, to /usr/src/app inside your container.

Does Docker compose override environment variables?

But docker-compose does not stop at the . env and the host's current environment variables. It's cool that you can simply override values of your . env file, but this flexibility is can also be the source of nasty bugs.

You don't need ${PWD} for this, you can just make the path relative and compose will expand it (one major difference between compose paths and those processed by docker run).

version: '2'
        context: ./couchpotato
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
     - 5050:5050
     - "./couchpotato/data:/home/CouchPotato/data/"
     - "./couchpotato/config:/home/CouchPotato/config/"

As for why compose doesn't see this variable, that depends on your shell. Compose looks for an exported environment variable, contents of the .env file, and command line flags to the docker-compose command. If each of those comes up empty for the variable, you'll get that warning.

My advice: change all $PWD to .

$PWD will not work if you are running using sudo. Try the recommended settings from Docker for Linux https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/.

Sudo will run as a different user, with a different env.

$ sudo env | grep -i pwd
$ env | grep -i pwd

If you really need absolute paths, then call this before calling docker-compose up:

set PWD=%CD%