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/bin/sh: 1: apk: not found while creating docker image

I have the below Dockerfile for zookeeper and I am trying to create an image for it, but it is giving me an error. I have recently started working with Docker, and started playing with a Zookeeper setup, so I am not able to understand. What does this error mean?

FROM ubuntu:trusty MAINTAINER David  RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre-headless wget ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64  # Install required packages RUN apk add --no-cache \     bash \     su-exec  ENV ZOO_USER=zookeeper \     ZOO_CONF_DIR=/conf \     ZOO_DATA_DIR=/data \     ZOO_DATA_LOG_DIR=/datalog \     ZOO_PORT=2181 \     ZOO_TICK_TIME=2000 \     ZOO_INIT_LIMIT=5 \     ZOO_SYNC_LIMIT=2  # Add a user and make dirs RUN set -x \     && adduser -D "$ZOO_USER" \     && mkdir -p "$ZOO_DATA_LOG_DIR" "$ZOO_DATA_DIR" "$ZOO_CONF_DIR" \     && chown "$ZOO_USER:$ZOO_USER" "$ZOO_DATA_LOG_DIR" "$ZOO_DATA_DIR" "$ZOO_CONF_DIR"  ARG GPG_KEY=C823E3E5B12AF29C67F81976F5CECB3CB5E9BD2D ARG DISTRO_NAME=zookeeper-3.4.9  # Download Apache Zookeeper, verify its PGP signature, untar and clean up RUN set -x \     && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \         gnupg \     && wget -q "http://www.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/$DISTRO_NAME/$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz" \     && wget -q "http://www.apache.org/dist/zookeeper/$DISTRO_NAME/$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz.asc" \     && export GNUPGHOME="$(mktemp -d)" \     && gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key "$GPG_KEY" \     && gpg --batch --verify "$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz.asc" "$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz" \     && tar -xzf "$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz" \     && mv "$DISTRO_NAME/conf/"* "$ZOO_CONF_DIR" \     && rm -r "$GNUPGHOME" "$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz" "$DISTRO_NAME.tar.gz.asc" \     && apk del .build-deps  WORKDIR $DISTRO_NAME VOLUME ["$ZOO_DATA_DIR", "$ZOO_DATA_LOG_DIR"]  EXPOSE $ZOO_PORT 2888 3888  ENV PATH=$PATH:/$DISTRO_NAME/bin \     ZOOCFGDIR=$ZOO_CONF_DIR  COPY docker-entrypoint.sh / ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"] CMD ["zkServer.sh", "start-foreground"] 

Below is the error I got:

Step 4 : ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64  ---> Running in a49507cb9725  ---> 77b37883caf4 Removing intermediate container a49507cb9725 Step 5 : RUN apk add --no-cache     bash     su-exec  ---> Running in a4fd76a644cf /bin/sh: 1: apk: not found The command '/bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache     bash     su-exec' returned a non-zero code: 127 

Am I doing anything wrong here? Why is apk not found?

like image 447
john Avatar asked Nov 06 '16 01:11


1 Answers

As larsks mentions, apk is for Alpine distributions and you selected FROM ubuntu:trusty which is Debian based with the apt-get command. Change your FROM line to FROM alpine:3.4 to switch to the Alpine based image with apk support.

like image 97
BMitch Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10
