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What is the difference between ad hoc distribution and app store distribution in ios

I am new in iPhone development. I have a little idea about app_store distribution. My questions are

  1. what is the need for ad hoc distribution in ios application distribution?

2)Is any other license needed for ad hoc distribution from Apple?

if anybody knows, please help me. Thanks in advance.

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John Avatar asked Dec 02 '11 09:12


2 Answers

Ad-Hoc Distribution: Distribution builds of an app, which can be installed on 100 devices designated by the developer on his provisioning portal. The distribution mechanism can be websites, mails or OTA. These type of builds are generally for beta testing or demos.

App-store Distribution: Distribution builds that are intended for general public(for sale). The distribution mechanism is App store only.

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Vin Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 22:10


Ad Hoc distribution allows you to share your application with up to 100 iPhone, iPad or iPod touch users, and to distribute your application through email or by posting it to a web site or server.

App Store provisioning profiles do not allow for a distribution built application to be installed on an Apple device. To install your distribution ready application on a device, you must create an Ad Hoc provisioning profile.

App Store distribution allows you to post your application in Apple Store.

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beryllium Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 22:10
