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What is the difference between a fluent interface and the Builder pattern?

I'm very new to design patterns and am having trouble with the difference between fluent interfaces and the Builder pattern.

I understand the concept of fluent interfaces. But the builder pattern is a little confusing. I cannot understand the use of a Director in the Builder pattern.

Can I use the Builder pattern and Fluent Interface together? If so, then how should I do so with a Director and a concrete builder?

My question is not about advantages of builder pattern. But the aim of this question is to know the relation between builder pattern and fluent interface.

Edit with UML sequence diagram for Builder from GoF:

Sequence diagram with director

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Sagar Avatar asked Jul 30 '13 03:07


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It's mostly useful when you need to create an object with lots of possible configuration options. You end up having an object that can dynamically be changed throughout its life-cycle.

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1 Answers

Fluent Interfaces are semantic facades. You put them on top of existing code to reduce syntactical noise and to more clearly express what the code does in an ubiquitous language. It's a pattern used when building an internal Domain Specific Language. It's about readability.

A director/builder orchestrates the building of something. That is, if you are building a Pizza baking machine, the Director would make sure that the steps from order to pizza are executed in the right order with the right data by the right builder. It's about validation and delegation.

You can certainly put a Fluent Interface on top of a Director/Builder pattern to make it read more - well - fluently and to emphasize the domain concepts (vs. the technical process of building and delegating). That would probably be an Expression Builder then.

I'd like to stress that Fluent Interfaces are not just Method Chaining. It's a common misconception. Method Chaining is one approach to implement a Fluent Interface but it's not the same, because it lacks the semantic qualities, e.g. this is not a Fluent Interface:


The above does not express anything about SomeObject. It's not a facade on top of some semantic model. It's just some methods chained. An example of a Fluent Interface would be a SQL query builder, e.g.

SQLBuilder.select('foo').from('bar').where('foo = ?', 42).prepare(); 

Under the hood of that API lies the code to create an SQL statement. It might include several objects and the calls shown could very well create a Select object, call a setter on it, create a Condition object and apply it to the Select object and finally return a Statement object. But all that is hidden from us. This also highlights another aspect of Fluent Interfaces: they might violate SOLID and Law of Demeter. But since it's a facade on top of code that hopefully follows these design principles, it doesn't matter that much, because you localize the violations to the Fluent Interface.

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Gordon Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 17:10
