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What is the difference between 1 and '1 in Lisp?

I had never really thought about whether a symbol could be a number in Lisp, so I played around with it today:

> '1 1 > (+ '1 '1) 2 > (+ '1 1) 2 > (define a '1) > (+ a 1) 2 

The above code is scheme, but it seems to be roughly the same in Common Lisp and Clojure as well. Is there any difference between 1 and quoted 1?

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Jason Baker Avatar asked Jun 03 '10 14:06

Jason Baker

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1 Answers

In Common Lisp, '1 is shorthand for (QUOTE 1). When evaluated, (QUOTE something) returns the something part, unevaluated. However, there is no difference between 1 evaluated and 1 unevaluated.

So there is a difference to the reader: '1 reads as (QUOTE 1) and 1 reads as 1. But there is no difference when evaluted.

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Xach Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 05:10
