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What is the correct way to check if bit field is turn on in php

What is the correct way to check if bit field is turn on - (in php) ?

I want to check a bit field that come from db(mysql) if is turn on or not.

is this is the correct way ?

if($bit & 1)

Are there other ways ?

I see somebody code that using ord() function , it is correct ?

like if(ord($bit) == 1)

like image 902
Haim Evgi Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 19:11

Haim Evgi

1 Answers


if( $bit & (1 << $n) ) {
  // do something

Where $n is the n-th bit to get minus one (for instance, $n=0 to get the least significant bit)

like image 115
Frxstrem Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 22:12
