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How to remove an item from session array in laravel

Here is the problem I have a session


this is actually an array that contains id

array:4 [▼
0 => "1"
1 => "2"
2 => "4"
3 => "1"

Now I want to delete lets say 4 How do I do that? I tried method

session()->pull($product, 'products');

But it didn't work!

Other solution

session()->forget('products', $product);

it also didn't work

like image 268
Alen Avatar asked Nov 28 '22 22:11


2 Answers

You AFAIR have to firstly retrieve whole array, edit it and then set it again. If you want to delete by product ID, which is as I assume an array value, you can use this: PHP array delete by value (not key)

$products = session()->pull('products', []); // Second argument is a default value
if(($key = array_search($idToDelete, $products)) !== false) {
session()->put('products', $products);

Misunderstood question

Session::pull takes first parameter as the item do delete and second as the default value to return. You have mistaken the order of arguments. Try:

session()->pull('products'); // You can specify second argument if you need default value

As I can see in source, Session::forget expects string or array, so you should specify only the first parameter:

like image 68
Albert221 Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 03:12


This method isn't tested:

Session::forget('products.' . $i);

note the dot notation here, its worth the try. If that isnt working, you can always do this:

$products = Session::get('products'); // Get the array
unset($product[$index]); // Unset the index you want
Session::set('products', $products); // Set the array again
like image 20
Анѓелкоски Бојан Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 05:12

Анѓелкоски Бојан