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What is the cleanest way to create a non-linear pipeline?

What is the cleanest (simplest, most efficient, shortest, quickest, easiest, most elegant) way to create a non-linear pipeline like this in Bash?

I have three commands: mksock, irclogin, and ircpingpong. I want to pipe stdin, irclogin, and ircpingpong into mksock, and pipe mksock into stdout and ircpingpong. This means that mksock and ircpingpong are in a loop. I drew a diagram:


irclogin only needs to be run once and be the first input into mksock. After that, ircpingpong, and stdin should be accepted at any time. I am currently using pipes and a temporary file like this:




rm $infifo
rm $outfifo
rm $pongfifo
mkfifo $infifo
mkfifo $outfifo
touch $pongfifo

( irclogin | cat - $infifo & tail -f $pongfifo; ) | mksock $server $port | tee $outfifo | stdbuf -oL ircpingpong > $pongfifo &
cat < $outfifo &
cat > $infifo
pkill tail

This works, but I want to know if there is a better way to do this. It bothers me that I am using a file rather than a pipe for looping back from ircpingpong to mksock using tail. Using a pipe didn't work because, to my understanding, something is written to the pipe before tail -f starts reading from it, and so it misses it.

It also bothers me that I have to kill tail at the end of the script, because it doesn't stop on it's own and would leave the socket connected even after the script has ended.

like image 667
Aardbei Avatar asked Mar 05 '16 22:03


1 Answers

I can suggest a version without temporary files, and with two fifo-s:

rm $fifo1
rm $fifo2
mkfifo $fifo1
mkfifo $fifo2

ircpingpong < $fifo2 > $fifo1 &
(mksock <$fifo1|tee $fifo2 )&
irclogin >$fifo1 &
cat >$fifo1

The idea is to run all programs separately, and only ensure that input and output of each program is redirected properly according to this diagram:


Of course, ircpingpong must read stdin and write to stdout, irclogin must write to stdout, and mksock must read from stdin and write to stdout.

like image 155
Hln Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
