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What is the cause for "angular is not defined"

I'm following the video tutorials on egghead.io but while trying to follow his example when he created a factory (see video here) I keep getting "angular is not defined" Reference Error but I have included the angular script

This is my html page:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html>     <head>     <title>Prototype</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="foundation.min.css">     <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>     </head>     <body>      <div data-ng-app="">          <div data-ng-controller="FirstController">             <input type="text" data-ng-model="data.message">             <h1>{{ data.message }}</h1>         </div>            <div data-ng-controller="SecondController">             <input type="text" data-ng-model="data.message">             <h1>{{ data.message }}</h1>         </div>       </div>     <script type="text/javascript" src="angular.min.js"></script>     </body> </html> 

and this is my javascript file "main.js":

//Services     // step 1 create an app                                  var myApp = angular.module('Data', []).     // tep 2 create factory                 // Service name, function     myApp.factory('Data', function(){         return { message: "I'm Data from a Service" }     });    //Controllers     function FirstController($scope, Data){         $scope.data = Data;     }      function SecondController($scope){      } 

I have read a few posts where similar happen (here) and please correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is to do with Boot strapping andI have tried manually bootstrapping using angular.bootstrap(document, ['Data']); but with no success, still get same error.

But What I want to know is, Why this works for so many examples online, like the egghead video series, but I have issues as I believe I have followed his video very closely. is it a change in angular in recent versions?

like image 659
jonnie Avatar asked Aug 04 '13 15:08


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1 Answers

You have to put your script tag after the one that references Angular. Move it out of the head:

<script type="text/javascript" src="angular.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script> 

The way you've set it up now, your script runs before Angular is loaded on the page.

like image 116
Joseph Silber Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Joseph Silber