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Call JS function from another file in React?

I have a function in a separate JavaScript file that I would like to call in a React component - how can I achieve this?

I'm trying to create a slideshow, and in slideshow.js, I have this function that increases the current slide index, like so:

function plusSlides(n) {     showSlides(slideIndex += n); } 

In Homepage.jsx, I have a "next" button that should call plusSlides from slideshow.js when it is clicked, like so:

class NextButton extends React.Component {     constructor() {         super();         this.onClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);     }      handleClick (event) {         script.plusSlides(1); // I don't know how to do this properly...     }      render() {         return (             <a className="next" onClick={this.onClick}>                 &#10095;             </a>         );     }  } 
like image 673
Emily Yeh Avatar asked Apr 06 '17 18:04

Emily Yeh

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1 Answers

You can export it, or am I missing your question

//slideshow.js export const plusSlides = (n)=>{     showSlides(slideIndex += n); } 

and import it where you need to

//Homepage.js import {plusSlides} from './slideshow'  handleClick (event) {         plusSlides(1);      } 
like image 107
KornholioBeavis Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
