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What is the advantage of Class-Based views?

I read today that Django 1.3 alpha is shipping, and the most touted new feature is the introduction of class-based views.
I've read the relevant documentation, but I find difficult to see the big advantage™ that I could get by using them, so I'm asking here for some help in understanding them.
Let's take an advanced example from the documentation.


from books.views import PublisherBookListView  urlpatterns = patterns('',     (r'^books/(\w+)/$', PublisherBookListView.as_view()), ) 


from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.views.generic import ListView from books.models import Book, Publisher  class PublisherBookListView(ListView):      context_object_name = "book_list"     template_name = "books/books_by_publisher.html",      def get_queryset(self):         self.publisher = get_object_or_404(Publisher, name__iexact=self.args[0])         return Book.objects.filter(publisher=self.publisher)      def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):         # Call the base implementation first to get a context         context = super(PublisherBookListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)         # Add in the publisher         context['publisher'] = self.publisher         return context 

And now let's compare it to a “plain-old-views” solution, made by myself in 5 minutes for this question (I apologize for any error you may find in it).


urlpatterns = patterns('books.views',     url(r'^books/(\w+)/$', 'publisher_books_list', name="publisher_books_list"), ) 


from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from books.models import Book, Publisher  def publisher_books_list(request, publisher_name):     publisher = get_object_or_404(Publisher, name__iexact=publisher_name)     book_list = Book.objects.filter(publisher=publisher)      return render_to_response('books/books_by_publisher.html', {         "book_list": book_list,         "publisher": publisher,     }, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) 

The second version to me looks:

  • Equivalent in functionality
  • A lot more readable (self.args[0]? awful!)
  • Shorter
  • Not less DRY-compliant

Is there something big I'm missing? Why should I use them? Are those on the documentation? If so then what would be the ideal use case? Are mixins that useful?

Thanks in advance to anybody who contributes!

P.S. for those who might wonder, I was never enthralled by generic views as well: as soon as I needed some advanced functionality, they became no shorter than regular views.

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Agos Avatar asked Dec 06 '10 20:12


1 Answers

You can subclass a class and refine methods like get_context_data for specific cases, and leave the rest as-is. You can't do that with functions.

For instance, you might need to create a new view that does everything a previous one does, but you need to include extra variable in the context. Subclass the original view and override the get_context_data method.

Also, separating the steps needed to render the template into separate methods promotes clearer code - the less done in a method, the easier it is to understand. With regular view functions, it's all dumped into the one processing unit.

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Evan Porter Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

Evan Porter