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How do i pass GET parameters using django urlresolvers reverse

I am using django 1.2 and going from one view to another using the urlresolvers reverse method.

url = reverse(viewOne) 

and I want to pass a get parameter, for example

name = 'joe'

so that in the viewOne if I do

def viewOne(request):     request.GET['name'] 

I will get


how do I do that ?

like image 200
yossi Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 14:03


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the reverse function allows to retrieve url details from url's.py file through the name value provided there. This is the major use of reverse function in Django. The redirect variable is the variable here which will have the reversed value. So the reversed url value will be placed here.

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1 Answers

GET parameters have nothing to do with the URL as returned by reverse. Just add it on at the end:

url = "%s?name=joe" % reverse(viewOne) 
like image 50
Daniel Roseman Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09

Daniel Roseman