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What is LinkedHashMap and what is it used for?

When I was going through a example code which has ListViews I came up with LinkedHashMap. What is a LinkedHashMap and where can we use it and how? I went through several articles but did not understand fully. Is it necessary when creating ListView. What is the connection between ListViews and LinkedHashMaps? Thank you.

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CraZyDroiD Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 17:03


2 Answers

For Simplicity, let us understand what is the difference between HashMap and LinkedHashMap.

HashMap: It gives output in Random orders means there is no proper sequence how we have inserted values.


LinkedHashMap: It gives output in sequential order.

Let us see a small example: with HashMap

    // suppose we have written a program
    // now use HashMap
    HashMap map = new HashMap();  // create object
    map.put(1,"Rohit");          // insert values

    System.out.println("MAP=" +map); //print the output using concatenation

    //So the output may be in any order like we can say the output may be as:

but this is not the case in LinkedHashMap Just replace the "HashMap" with "LinkedHashMap" in the above code and see it will display the output in Sequential order like 1=Rohit will be displayed first then the others in sequence.

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Ashraf.Shk786 Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 07:03


The docs are here. But its basically a HashMap that also has a linked list, so you can have a consistently ordered iteration through it. Note that this means removals may be O(n) time because you need to remove it from both data structures.

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Gabe Sechan Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 07:03

Gabe Sechan