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What is included in MEF 2?




I see work is still going on with new features on MEF (MEF Codeplex site) and they are shipping MEF 2 beta releases, however they do not have any decent documentation on what the new features are experimenting/exploring/building?

So, what are the new features (in a little bit of detail please, a sentance or two for each would be great) that are part of MEF 2?

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Robert MacLean Avatar asked Sep 12 '11 10:09

Robert MacLean

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2 Answers

I know one big feature is support for open generics. This allows us to import parts that look like this:



using an import that looks like this

private IRepository<Users> userRepository;
like image 113
Brian O Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10

Brian O

From the preview documentation

  • Support for generic types.
  • Convention-based programming model that enables you to create parts based on naming conventions rather than attributes.
  • Multiple scopes.
like image 45
Robert MacLean Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

Robert MacLean