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What is __declspec and when do I need to use it?



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What does __ Declspec do?

__declspec The extended attribute syntax simplifies and standardizes Microsoft-specific extensions to the C and C++ languages.

Is __ Declspec Dllimport necessary?

Using __declspec(dllimport) is optional on function declarations, but the compiler produces more efficient code if you use this keyword. However, you must use __declspec(dllimport) for the importing executable to access the DLL's public data symbols and objects.

What does Dllimport mean?

DllImport Attribute is a declarative tag used in C# to mark a class method as being defined in an external dynamic-link library (DLL) rather than in any . NET assembly.

This is a Microsoft specific extension to the C++ language which allows you to attribute a type or function with storage class information.


__declspec (C++)

The canonical examples are __declspec(dllimport) and __declspec(dllexport), which instruct the linker to import and export (respectively) a symbol from or to a DLL.

// header
__declspec(dllimport) void foo();

// code - this calls foo() somewhere in a DLL

(__declspec(..) just wraps up Microsoft's specific stuff - to achieve compatibility, one would usually wrap it away with macros)

It is mostly used for importing symbols from / exporting symbols to a shared library (DLL). Both Visual C++ and GCC compilers support __declspec(dllimport) and __declspec(dllexport). Other uses (some Microsoft-only) are documented in the MSDN.

Another example to illustrate the __declspec keyword:

When you are writing a Windows Kernel Driver, sometimes you want to write your own prolog/epilog code sequences using inline assembler code, so you could declare your function with the naked attribute.

__declspec( naked ) int func( formal_parameters ) {}


#define Naked __declspec( naked )
Naked int func( formal_parameters ) {}

Please refer to naked (C++)

Essentially, it's the way Microsoft introduces its C++ extensions so that they won't conflict with future extensions of standard C++. With __declspec, you can attribute a function or class; the exact meaning varies depending on the nature of __declspec. __declspec(naked), for example, suppresses prolog/epilog generation (for interrupt handlers, embeddable code, etc), __declspec(thread) makes a variable thread-local, and so on.

The full list of __declspec attributes is available on MSDN, and varies by compiler version and platform.