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What is associated data type in haskell?

In the routing section, the article says:

We can see that the RenderRoute class defines an associated data type providing the routes for our application.

What does associated data type mean? It means type families?

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softshipper Avatar asked Feb 27 '19 11:02


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1 Answers

Quoting code from the article:

instance RenderRoute HelloWorld where
    data Route HelloWorld = HomeR
        deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
    renderRoute HomeR = ([], [])

As you can see Route is an associated data type and yes, it means data families. Take a look at wiki example:

We define a type class whose instances are the types that we can use as keys in our generic maps:

class GMapKey k where  
    data GMap k :: * -> *  
    empty       :: GMap k v  
    lookup      :: k -> GMap k v -> Maybe v  
    insert      :: k -> v -> GMap k v -> GMap k v

The interesting part is the associated data family declaration of the class. It gives a kind signature (here * -> *) for the associated data type GMap k - analogous to how methods receive a type signature in a class declaration.

like image 197
Karol Samborski Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 04:10

Karol Samborski