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What is ASP.NET MVC not good for?



I'm a big fan of what ASP.NET MVC is doing, on many levels.

I'm about to take part in re-build of a very highly trafficked website, and I'm not which framework would be best (if any).

The site will need the following:

  • To support Javascript-heavy, highly interactive pages
  • But at the same time, provide underlying semantic HTML for search engines
  • Support multiple languages
  • Be skinnable
  • Expose a RESTful web-service API for partners

As far as I can tell, there's no reason not to use ASP.NET MVC for this.

  • I can present semantic HTML and layer Javascript on top using jQuery.
  • Multiple languages can be catered for using Resource files (same as at present).
  • Skinning can be done with CSS (it won't involve changes to the markup).
  • I can centralize business logic so that the Controllers and the WCF web-service use the same code.

But are there potential drawbacks to using MVC that I haven't considered?

I don't want to be the guy who picks a technology because it's cool but finds later down the track that it isn't very suitable for the job.

like image 576
Jonathan Avatar asked Aug 04 '09 03:08


People also ask

Why is MVC not good?

In the MVC pattern, the views could be overburdened with update requests ie if the model keeps on going with frequent changes. Furthermore, views like graphic displays can take a longer time to make as they are complex to update quickly. As a result, the view component falls behind all the major updates.

Is ASP.NET MVC outdated?

ASP.NET MVC is no longer in active development.

1 Answers

ASP.NET MVC is not good when all your doing is making a website that needs server-side code (but that's also true about ASP.NET also).

In your case I think MVC would be a great way to go. MVC has proven itself on high traffic websites (e.g. this one). However you must remember that MVC is new and changing. A library may not exists to do a specific task which means you'll have to write that code yourself.

Good luck on your rebuild!

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Kredns Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
