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Changing the kendo numeric filter format

I am applying custom paging and sorting in the kendo grid. For one of my column I am getting a numeric text box. When I insert the value in numeric text box it is integer, but as the focus is removed from the filter numeric text box it converts into decimal. For eg: if I entered 32, it remains 32,but as the focus is removed the value becomes 32.00. But I want that value to remains 32.

So any one can please help me out with the solution.

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Anirudh Agarwal Avatar asked Feb 28 '13 06:02

Anirudh Agarwal

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1 Answers

You can set like below

columns.Bound(x => x.Property).Filterable(x => x.UI("NumericFilter"));

<script type="text/javascript">
function NumericFilter(control) {
    $(control).kendoNumericTextBox({ "format": "n0", "decimals": 0 });


Or use extension method

columns.NumericColumn(x => x.Property);

public static GridBoundColumnBuilder<TModel> NumericColumn<TModel, TValue>(this GridColumnFactory<TModel> Column, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> Expression) where TModel : class
    return Column.Bound(Expression).Filterable(x => x.UI("NumericFilter"));

like image 186
Palanikumar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
