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What is a smoke test? [duplicate]



Possible Duplicates:
What is a smoke testing and what will it do for me?
What is a sanity test/check

What is a smoke test and why is it useful?

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Andy Hin Avatar asked Oct 29 '10 20:10

Andy Hin

People also ask

Why are they called smoke tests?

Plumbers usually would use smoke to test for leaks and cracks in pipe systems. Later the term was applied to testing of electronics. Another theory states that the term 'smoke testing' originated from the hardware testing, where a device when first switched on is tested for the smoke from its components.

What do you check in a smoke test?

Smoke testing is the preliminary check of the software after a build and before a release. This type of testing finds basic and critical issues in an application before critical testing is implemented.

What is a smoke test in a building?

Smoke testing involves forcing smoke-filled air through a sewer line. The smoke under pressure will fill the main line plus any connections; then follow the path of the leak to the ground surface, quickly revealing the source of the problem. Only enough force to overcome atmospheric pressure is required.

Why is smoke testing important?

Importance of Smoke Testing Smoke testing plays an important role in software development as it ensures the correctness of the system in initial stages. By this, we can save test effort. As a result, smoke tests bring the system to a good state. Once we complete smoke testing then only we start functional testing.

2 Answers

"Smoke test" is a term that comes from electrical engineering. It refers to a very basic, very simple test, where you just plug the device in and see if smoke comes out.

It doesn't tell you anything about whether or not the device actually works. The only thing it tells you is that it is not completely broken.

It is usually used as a time-saving step before the more thorough regression/integration/acceptance tests, since there is no point in running the full testsuite, if the thing catches fire anyway.

In programming, the term is used in the same sense: it is a very shallow, simple test that checks for some simple properties like: does the program even start? Can it print its help message? If those simple things don't work, there is no point in even attempting to run the full testsuite, which can sometimes take minutes or even hours.

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Jörg W Mittag Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Jörg W Mittag

A smoke test is basically just a sanity check to see if the software functions on the most basic level.

If your smoke test fails, it means there is no point in running your other functional tests.

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Donald Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09
