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What is a good name for this state-like monad




This is something of a combination of State and Writer. I have checked the monad laws.

newtype M s a = M { runM :: s -> (s,a) }

instance (Monoid s) => Monad (M s) where
    return = M . const . (mempty,)
    m >>= f = M $ \s -> 
        let (s' ,x) = runM m s
            (s'',y) = runM (f x) (s `mappend` s')
        in (s' `mappend` s'', y)

StateWriter seems kinda lame.

like image 567
luqui Avatar asked Dec 14 '10 05:12


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2 Answers

"Introspective Writer"? It seems that the interesting you can do with it (that you can't do with Writer) is to write an introspect function that examines the state/output and changes it:

introspect :: (s -> s) -> M s ()
introspect f = M $ \s -> (f s, ()) 

I can't see that you can do this for writer, I think you'd have to make do with a post-transformer instead:

postW :: Writer w a -> (w -> w) -> Writer w a
postW ma f = Writer $ let (w,a) = getWriter ma in (f w,a)
like image 194
stephen tetley Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

stephen tetley

Monoidal State. MonoState.MState. AccumState.

like image 34
sclv Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10
