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Working with data types parameterized by a functor

I recently defined a type whose fields I might fail to compute:

data Foo = Foo {x, y :: Int, others :: NonEmpty Int}

data Input

computeX, computeY :: Input -> Maybe Int
computeOthers :: Input -> Maybe (NonEmpty Int)

Now, one obvious thing I might do would be to just use liftA3:

foo :: Input -> Maybe Foo
foo i = liftA3 Foo (computeX i) (computeY i) (computeOthers i)

That works fine, but I thought it might be interesting to generalize Foo to hold Maybes as well, and then transform one type of Foo to another. In some similar cases, I could give the Foo type a type parameter and derive Traversable. Then after creating a Foo (Maybe Int), I could invert the whole thing at once with sequenceA :: Foo (Maybe Int) -> Maybe (Foo Int). But this doesn't work here, because my function doesn't give me a NonEmpty (Maybe Int), it gives me a Maybe (NonEmpty Int).

So I thought I'd try parameterizing by a functor instead:

data Foo f = Foo {x, y :: f Int, others :: f (NonEmpty Int)}

But then the question is, how do I turn a Foo Maybe into a Maybe (Foo Identity)? Obviously I can write that function by hand: it's isomorphic to the liftA3 stuff above. But is there some parallel of Traversable for this higher-order type, so that I can apply a more general function to this problem rather than re-doing it with a bespoke function?

like image 560
amalloy Avatar asked Dec 07 '21 10:12


People also ask

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Specifying the type converts the value of the Parameter to the .NET Framework data provider type before passing the value to the data source. You may also specify the type of a Parameter in a generic manner by setting the DbType property of the Parameter object to a particular DbType.

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Specifying parameter data types The data type of a parameter is specific to the.NET Framework data provider. Specifying the type converts the value of the Parameter to the.NET Framework data provider type before passing the value to the data source.

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The .NET Framework data provider type of a Parameter object is inferred from the .NET Framework type of the Value of the Parameter object, or from the DbType of the Parameter object. The following table shows the inferred Parameter type based on the object passed as the Parameter value or the specified DbType.

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The .NET Framework data provider type of a Parameter object is inferred from the .NET Framework type of the Value of the Parameter object, or from the DbType of the Parameter object. The following table shows the inferred Parameter type based on the object passed as the Parameter value or the specified DbType. VarBinary.

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1 Answers

Such data types are called "Higher-Kinded Data" (HKD). Manipulating them is often done with Generics or Template Haskell.

There are libraries like higgledy which provide built-in functionality for HKD. I believe construct is the function you are looking for:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import Data.Generic.HKD
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Monoid

data Foo = Foo { x, y :: Int, z :: [Int] }
  deriving (Generic, Show)

emptyFoo :: HKD Foo Last
emptyFoo = mempty

sampleFoo :: HKD Foo Last
sampleFoo = deconstruct (Foo 1 2 [3])

emptyFoo' :: Last Foo
emptyFoo' = construct emptyFoo

sampleFoo' :: Last Foo
sampleFoo' = construct sampleFoo

main = do
  print emptyFoo'
  print sampleFoo'

This will print:

Last {getLast = Nothing}
Last {getLast = Just (Foo {x = 1, y = 2, z = [3])}

Edit: I just found out that a much more popular library is barbies (higgledy also depends on barbies). The function that you are looking for is also present in that library as an application of btraverse:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

import Data.List.NonEmpty
import Barbies
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Functor.Identity

data Foo f = Foo {x, y :: f Int, others :: f (NonEmpty Int)}
  deriving (Generic, FunctorB, TraversableB, ConstraintsB)

deriving instance AllBF Show f Foo => Show (Foo f)

f :: Applicative f => Foo f -> f (Foo Identity)
f = btraverse (fmap Identity)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print (f (Foo (Just 1) (Just 2) (Just (3 :| []))))

This prints:

Just (Foo {x = Identity 1, y = Identity 2, others = Identity (3 :| [])})
like image 50
Noughtmare Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10
