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What is a flash message in Passport?

I'm reading the Passport documentation and I would like to know what a flash message is. Googeling it isn't giving me any relevant answer.

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Lev Avatar asked Sep 27 '16 17:09


People also ask

How do I use flash on my passport?

Can you use the flash? Yes. The passport guidelines don't forbid people from using the flash as long as the final outcome represents a true likeness of their appearance. This can be achieved with or without a flash, so you're fine to have yours on when you pose for your passport photo.

How do I send a flash message?

Sending Flash SMS in the webapp If you want to send Flash SMS, you can select the type Flash SMS in the function menu to the right of the input field at the top of the webapp.

How does express flash work?

The express-flash module exposes getter and setter methods for a flash message of the form, { flash: { type: 'type', message: 'message' }} and depends on the express-session module. The method req. flash(type, message) sets the value of a new flash message and adds it to an array of messages of the same type.

What is flash message in mobile?

Flash SMS is a distinct kind of text message that appears instantly on the screen of a mobile device without requiring the user to take any action in order to read it. Even if the screen is locked, a flash SMS, also referred to as a class 0 SMS, will display on the smartphone.

1 Answers

Flash message are like temporary variable

But it's mainly a Temporary session, For example you want to show an error message only for once , It'll be available for only one hit. in you next route it will be gone

So by using the flash message you can show error or success messages to user.

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Aniruddha Chakraborty Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09

Aniruddha Chakraborty