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ES6 Modules are loaded Synchronously or Asynchronously?

Module loader is responsible for loading modules.

What I know is module loader loads modules in browser asynchronously whereas in Node.js it loads synchronously.

I wanted to confirm whether this information is correct or not.

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Narayan Prusty Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 11:08

Narayan Prusty

People also ask

Is ES6 synchronous or asynchronous?

ES6 module loaders will be asynchronous while node. js module loaders are not. Here are some key aspects of module loaders: Module code automatically runs in strict mode and there's no way to opt-out of strict mode.

Are ES6 modules asynchronous?

ES6 uses import and export. This means you only load the modules that you need, and the importing of the modules is asynchronous. ES6 Modules are generally more efficient with large scale applications due to the way that import modules. The below shows how the imports differ to the CommonJS way of doing things.

Is ES6 import synchronous?

ES6 system has a declarative syntax, which makes it clear and simple. It combines their benefits, and provides an intuitive syntax that makes it easy for engineers to handle. It even goes beyond the capabilities of ES5 system by using both synchronous and asynchronous loading, along with a static module structure.

How do ES6 modules work?

A module organizes a related set of JavaScript code. A module can contain variables and functions. A module is nothing more than a chunk of JavaScript code written in a file. By default, variables and functions of a module are not available for use.

1 Answers

ES6 module loaders will be asynchronous while node.js module loaders are not.

Here are some key aspects of module loaders:

  • Module code automatically runs in strict mode and there’s no way to opt-out of strict mode.

  • Variables created in the top level of a module are not automatically added to the shared global scope. They exist only within the top-level scope of the module.

  • The value of this in the top level of a module is undefined. Does not allow HTML-style comments within the code (a leftover feature from the early browser days).

  • Modules must export anything that should be available to code outside of the module.


Modules, in general, solve several problems for developers. First, they allow the developer to separate code into smaller pieces, called modules. Second, they make it easy for developers to load (inject) those modules into other sections of code. Having modules injected like this helps keep project code uncoupled from the module (read: improved testability). And third, modules can load scripts asynchronously. This means that apps can begin loading faster, as they don’t require all scripts to be loaded prior to executing code.


On the other hand because node.js is based on require which is synchronous this means node.js does not provide an asynchronous variant out of the box.

Of course there are async module loaders for node (async-require), but natively (with require) is not supported.

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Endre Simo Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Endre Simo